just the occaisional ramblings of a girl in servitude
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A short update before i go back to bed... i appear to have caught a dose of the flu...Doctors suspect "Swine Flu". Mistress is staking care of me and duties currently suspended untill i am well again.
As W/we all know sometimes a serving girl makes mistakes. Every time i get something wrong, Mistress Rebecca will add to this score accordingly. When She deems it appropriate, She says She will give me punishments relating to my score and the score will then be reset. This by no means i will not receive "on the spot" punishments, but it takes away any pressure from Mistress having to correct me immediately, if, for example; She is in a rush to get out.
i will of course report any punishments and the score to go with them, so in time regular watchers may be able to suspect what punishments i am to receive based on my score.
I hope you feel better soon
Hi Nana,
How is your recovery coming along?
You feeling any better?
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