Monday, April 13, 2009

Well, hello again....
firstly, i;ve no idea if anyone reads this...i know i haven't posted here in an age and to be honest i'd forgotten this blog existed.

So, to stem the inevitable questions..yes i'm still in service...yes it's still full time and yes i'm very happy..but if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask them and i promise i'll try to update more often.


Anonymous said...

Yes, please post-was wondering if you'd start again...

maid nina said...

Well Anonymous, I'll try to keep on top of thigs for you, whoever you are :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.

Nice pic as well.

Your mistress has great taste

maid tanja said...

dear maid nina,

this is a wonderful photo. It looks like you are in a very advanced stage of feminization.

Looking at the photo, I have started wondering whether or not you have gotten brest implants?

Furthermore, you surely have a lot of experience with chastity. What kind of device has worked the best for you for long-term wear?

best regards,

maid tanja