Monday, December 21, 2009

i've learnt something over the last couple of days. And tht's to be grateful for small things. Like when you have to get outside first thing in the morning to de-ice Mistress's car so She can get to work; be grateful She lets you wear wellington boots and not the pretty (if somewhat impractical in the snow) shoes you wear round the house normally. Somehow i cant imagine the alternative being any kind of fun whatsoever.


Jeanie Love said...

that's beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

That is very kind of your Mistress to do that

maid nina said...

Very kind...that and i don't think She fancied picking up a frozen maid with a broken ankle of the driveway in the morning when going out to work..

Anonymous said...

There is the whole falling down thing as well.

How are you finding it being back to a more normal routine with the cold weather?